The story of Nitesh Nitesh, a bright alumnus of IIT-Kanpur and IIM-Calcutta is battling with final stage metastasized cancer. He was diagnosed with Stage III cancer in 2016, and recent scan report shows a development of 12 tumors in his bilateral lungs, pelvis, and abdomen. While doctors in India have shown less hope of recovery, Nitesh has been advised clinical trial as an alternative treatment, which is only possible in the USA for Nitesh's case. For someone from the lower-middle-class family, the estimated cost of USD 500,000 is impossible to bear. “Being a lower-middle-class family, arranging for a big amount all of a sudden has come like a shock. Unfortunately, I also do not have medical insurance to take care of any expenses”, Nitesh says. Let’s come together to save Nitesh. Because everyone deserves a second chance. In case you want to transfer directly to the account, please find the details - A/c No: 2001329**** NITESH KUMAR PRAJAPAT STATE BANK OF INDIA Branch: ***** Nagar, Jaipur IFSC Code: SBIN000**** MICR Code: 302****19 Paytm: 997149****(Gautam Prajapati)
Healthcare Management System (HCMS) Nitesh's experience and other similar stories are heartbreaking, that's definitely why we want to bring Healthcare Management System(HCMS) immediately to reality. Simple insurance and a preventive health exam may have easily helped Nitesh avoid the critical disease before it occurred. India is a vast country, home to 18 percent of all the people in the world, a growing country in a developing world poised to become a world power, we are second in the world in terms of using mobile phones; every third person has one, we are fourth in the world in terms of television and information penetration, every fourth person has access to cable television, but when it comes to healthcare, we rank a dismal 150th in the world (As per World Economic Forum, 2021), with only 6 doctors per 10000 people in our country. Coupled with diseases, rising mortality rates, and poverty, access to basic healthcare for everyone is one of the main difficulties that our country is facing today. With a lack of sufficient infrastructure in terms of hospitals, specialist doctors, and fast response to crises, many lives are wasted every day, precious lives that can be preserved, with that primary purpose in mind, to make India healthier and successful, we introduce to you Healthcaa. We at Healthcaa seek to bridge the gap between the patient and the therapy, we aim to make healthcare affordable and accessible for one and all. In addition to that Healthcaa will also issue each of its user a unique *Health card, similar to a credit card, the Health card, with a unique credit rating system can be used by the patient in hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres. The Health card, is a unique initiative, by Healthcaa to help the poor and the needy who cannot get Medical Insurance, and in case of an emergency, they can use the Health card, to cover the sudden expenses of surgery, hospitalisation and diagnostic tests, thus ensuring that even the poorest of the poor are not denied health care in times of crisis. We at Healthcaa believe in the principle that prevention is better than cure, we aim to lower your medical bills, by enabling you keep a check on your health right at the convenience of your home. With our preventative full-body health exams and diagnostic tests, we will ensure that you avoid important illnesses before it occurs. We have connected with testing centres across the country to help you with the best diagnosis, at the most inexpensive price. Healthcaa will also let you keep all your medical test reports and medications online so that your medical care adviser will have access to your medical history to help you get the accurate and effective treatment. For any additional enquiry, please email to me at Thank You! Sandeep
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